Who We Are
FallingDownFarm brings our family so much joy. We simply love animals. All of them. Enough so to start a farm in our 40’s. We enjoy every aspect of raising our animals, and the community in which we do it. As the number of family farms continues to decline, we focus on supporting the family homestead. Inspired by a degree in animal science, we prioritize healthy stock and pastures.
Olde English Babydoll Southdown sheep are excellent for meat, and perhaps have some of the finest wool of all British breeds. They are smaller, easy to manage, and more importantly, stay cute forever. Elle, their livestock guardian dog companion, would agree.
Mini-Jersey cows embody the pre-commercial family milking cow, and are perfect for the homestead. About half the size of standard Jersey cows, they require less room, eat less, yet produce 2 to 4 gallons per day of milk (about 75% of standard Jerseys). Their milk is the highest in protein and butterfat, making pretty delicious butter, rich cheeses, ice cream and yogurt. Objectively, they have an agreeable temperament; subjectively, serious cuteness factor.